Sunday, August 29, 2010


Another week's gone by....or is it two ?? Sorry, cant's goin just too fast. I sure would like to have a couple of days to figure out, where i'm headin to.

It's absolutely unforgivable when at some moments i feel that life's borin, and the next every single floodgate decides that its time to try and destroy another city of dreams. Its abso-fuckin-lutely unfair. What's even more unfair is not knowing why i'm writin this. Where is all this coming from ??

It seems i've suddenly fallen into an abyss and the only way i can come out is by blurting out every damn thing that comes in my mind. My apologies to anyone who made the mistake of starting to read this post, hope you haven't gone into some unpronounciable mental state. And my apologies to anyone who feel like pelting boulders at me.....

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