Whoa, it's been a long time. If you'd have asked me a couple of months if I'd be able to get by without writing for so long, I would've said no. But man it's happened. It's been whirlwind months. So much to study, so much to do. It's funny really, how I never seemed to have any time for anything yet I'd spend the whole day sleeping.
Well, now the semester's over and no more guilty consciences sleeping all day long. Or doing any damn thing I'd want to do for that matter. Life seems to be nice for the first time I remember. Well, I'm happy. Sure I'm bitchin all day long about how life's not going anywhere, there's no excitement about the future and stuff but I'm happy. That's probably the reason I haven't written in weeks. For a while I even thought I'd never write for this blog again but here I am typing again, listening to Avenged Sevenfold in the dark at a time that was well past my bedtime some time ago.
The only reason I'm writing is a conversation I had yesterday. While I was blabbering on about how I love to read, and how me and my dad have these loooong discussions sometimes, I somehow realised that I love to write. No matter how little sense my writings make I love to write. I just love it when I can put my feelings into words. I realised that it was a part of me. This blog has been a huge part in building the person I am now. Unwittingly, I made the biggest decision of my life when I started writing this blog seriously. It helped me understand myself more than ever before. It helped me create this outlook on life, on the world around me.
Well, I guess it's even more boring than reading about me rambling on about how fucked up life is, but that's not how I was gonna be always. I guess i've understood to accept life as it is....Not much is gonna change, I guess that's what destiny is...
So what's the reason for my being happy ? Well, I like this girl and she likes me back. Nothing more I want, coz as they say when the most important thing gets fixed all the smaller things are gonna get fixed too. And hell yeah I have hope....